The Greatest Gift Wildfire COncert Series Begins at Faith Baptist Church
Home March 2025

Good morning Christians all around the world! We were so privileged and honored to be at Faith Baptist Church in Somersworth NH with our good friends the Lighthouse Jubilees (Angie and Pat) playing with us. We had such a blessed time. The congregation was blessed and so were we. We’re so grateful for every opportunity that we have to be a part of so many of the churches that have enabled The Greatest Gift to have the success that it has. If you’d like The Greatest Gift to play at your church, please email and we’ll see what we can do about getting you on the schedule. Once again, many thanks to Pastor Jim Vreeland, your wife and congregation for hosting The Greatest Gift, and Pat & Angie, of The Lighthouse Jubilees. We hope to see you at Christmas with our brand new Christmas album, “What is Christmas All About?” You can also pick up Pastor Wayne’s new book, “Sermons for a Lifetime for Everyone, volume 1” by sending a message to the above email and we’ll get a copy out to you. All copies are $20. This is a book that every household should have. A portion of the proceeds go towards the California Wildfires and wherever Samaritan’s Purse needs it the most.
God bless you all. Our next concert is at The Pinnacle assisted living facility in NOrth Berwick at 2pm on April 1st. We’ll see you there!
Pastor Wayne, Krys, Mike and Dan
of The Greatest Gift gospel music group,
Little House of Hope & Prayer
and Little School of Hope.
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